


Concept, Design & Development
Andriana Levytsky conceptualized, designed, and worked on the development of the site for her Interaction Design Capstone at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis in 2021
Kris Fragata worked on the development of the site, specifically the canvas functionality
Grand Slang designed by Nikolas Wrobel through Nikolas Type
Lato designed by Łukasz Dziedzic
Space Mono designed by Colophon Foundry
Space Grotesk designed by Florian Karsten & based on Space Mono


Special Thanks
Jonathan Hanahan & my classmates for your invaluable support and advising
Molly Needleman, Will Bates, Aaron Zemach, Biba Košmerl, Rosa McElheny, & Eric Nylund for your initial critiques & instruction
Mariah Carter for your constant feedback and help with motion design


In order of appearance:
Wall Drawing 46
The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art via their website

Photographs (cont.)

The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art via their twitter
Wall Drawing 273
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art via their website
Wall Drawing 289
Jonathan Hanahan & my classmates
The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art via their website
Wall Drawing 797
The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art via their website
The Cleveland Museum of Art via their website